The goggle eye effect
The lenses for hyperopia (long-sightedness) compensation have the effect of enlarging the eyes and are thicker in the centre rather than at the edges. The thicker the lenses, the greater the ''big eye'' or ''goggle eye'' effect and the greater the weight of the glasses on the nose.
Preferred shapes
If we only had to think about maximum optimisation, geometric optics would allow us only one shape: a small round shape like our Vittorio. But can we give up our beloved cat-eye shapes or a nice decisive square shape? Certainly not! The good news is that there are many strategies for getting what you want.
How to make my lenses thinner?
The main weapon is to pay attention to proportions. It is essential that the lenses are well centred with regards to the eye. Avoid extremely large glasses, where the eyes are very decentralised towards the nose. Another method is to use lenses with a high refractive index. Generally the base index is 1.5, using materials in thinner indices such as 1.6, 1.67 and 1.74 we can have the same power but, with less thickness.
3D thickness design and sculpting
To obtain the best outcome, we design your lenses with a 3D software in order to view the thicknesses together. The thickness of each part of the lenses is worked to the tenth of a millimetre. Each corner is designed to accommodate diamonds and pearls or the necessary incisions creating a real carving of the edges.
Unique glasses
The next phase of the design involves putting in place all the finishes and processes to make your glasses unique. There is no precise outline, thanks to our experience, every project is worked and refined to maximise the final effect. Each pair of glasses is unique, no two pairs are the same.
As bright as a diamond
Our flagship is the diamond cut facet. In positive lenses for hyperopia, this process is particularly pleasant because we use the thickness to give further light and personality to the glasses. The facets allow the thickness of the edges to not only be halved but also with great style!
Do you need some advice?
Do you want to understand which glasses are best suited to your features and visual defect? Contact me and I'll be happy to help.